One trust network
to rule them all.

Trust can be decentralized through a combination of cryptography and economic security. Exocore is aggregating and extending this decentralized trust to every network.

The vision for Exocore

Warren and RJ are crypto native founders that have been building L1 blockchain networks and corresponding middleware services for the past 5-10 years. Raluca is a UC Berkeley professor of computer science, a classically trained cryptographer, and security systems expert with four degrees from MIT. Carl is a systems architect and engineer, who recently turned venture capitalist.

Together, they share a vision for a world where decentralized trust and security are aggregated across one network, which coordinates it all. They believe this network should be secure, protocol agnostic, trust minimized, democratically governed, permissionlessly open, reasonably decentralized and modularly pluggable.

Extend decentralized trust everywhere.

Default remote around the world.

Extend decentralized trust everywhere.